We all live in our own little bubbles which very few of us step outside of. Our circles change, and our bubbles may become distorted, but for the most part we stay within, safe and happy until something pops our bubble and reality hits. This week a huge number of bubbles were popped, as many people were affected by a string of events across the world. The Philippines, Egypt, Syria and Manchester have all been affected by violent, cowardly attacks.
The events in Manchester resonated with me the most, firstly because it was so close to home, but secondly because I had been to an Ariana Grande concert just 4 days before. I had seen the audience demographic, mostly children and teenage girls, and it baffles me how anyone could target such an innocent group of people on one of the best nights of their lives. I can't shake the thought that children as young as 8 never made it home.
This is our reality now. We live in a world where we are scared to go to concerts, shopping centres, or anywhere that may draw a large crowd. It's not just in the UK and Europe, although the Western world draws the majority of the media's attention. 29 Christians killed on their way to church in Egypt, over 100 people, including 40+ children in Syria killed in an air strike, as well as the 22 in Manchester. We are living in a time where we expect attacks like this, and wonder when and where the next one will be, never expecting it to be within our bubble but always knowing in the back of our mind that it could be. Emergency services being trained specifically for these types of attacks, workers being given designated meeting points in case of scares and children in schools because taught what to do if caught up in one.
Fighting fire with fire is not the answer, yet that is what we continue to do. We are at war with ourselves and I fear that we won't give up until there is nothing left. I don't want to bring children into a world where I am worried every time they leave the house, where they see this as normal behaviour from both sides.
I don't want anyone to be scared to explore this wonderful world of ours, but after the events of this week I think that many people will be. It's a shame that this is our reality, and I can only hope that it improves so we can live in a world without fear, although I have a horrible feeling that I am being too optimistic with that statement, and many more innocent people will have their bubbles popped and lives ruined before change starts to happen.
Really like how you've summed this up so perfectly... exactly how I feel right now 💗