Monday, 4 September 2017

Dear August

Dear August,

I'm pretty sure you were the longest month of my life! 
The month began in Cyprus, which feels like a year ago. It was the end of a perfect holiday in a new country, a country that I would love to return to in the future and discover more of. I was fascinated by the history, and for someone who hasn't done history since year 8, that is a big thing for me! I wasn't even home for 18 hours before I went back to work, and then ice skating with some work friends which was so much fun. 
The weekend of the 7th was spent with my friends in London, where we threw my bff a surprise party as we had all missed her birthday. We had such a lovely couple of days, I managed to drive us there and back without killing anyone, and the surprise was a success. 
The day after I came home from London (about 12 hours later), I was off to Geneva to be reunited with another bff. I've written a whole post about it so I won't say much, but it was one of the best trips I have ever been on and I miss it and her every day. This trip was also where I (kind of) conquered my fear of flying as I flew home alone. I'm still slightly terrified but it's nothing compared to how I was on my first flight of the Summer to Cyprus.
The 17th marked my last day working at Next after being there for 3 years. I was gutted to say goodbye but I am hoping to go back when I am home from my year abroad. It's so weird not having a job and not having to plan things around when I am working. I weirdly miss it, and I really miss the people there. 
My aunt, uncle and cousin went on holiday a week before I flew to Canada, so we went out for a meal with them so I could say goodbye. It was lovely to spend time with them, and I can't wait to see my cousin again at Christmas when she is a year older!
The 19th was such an emotional day. I had a leaving party kind of thing to say goodbye to all my friends and family at the same time. I had a really nice day with everyone, although many tears were shed (especially saying goodbye to grandparents and uni friends), but I'm so glad I got to see them all before I left! 
My mum's birthday was the 20th, so we went out for a meal and celebrated with her - and then I finally got some time to relax! Despite all the packing and stress with Visas and last minute things for Canada, I had a pretty chilled week. On the Friday, my mum, sister and I went out for the day for our last day together. We went to a gorgeous little town near where we live and I had a lovely day with my two fave women. That evening my family took me to my favourite restaurant for our last meal together. They gave me the cutest presents, and I cried a lot. 
The 26th was the day I flew out to Montreal, which is what my last post was about, and the final few days of August were spent finding my feet in Montreal. 

So August, you were pretty exhausting. You brought so many emotions, from the tears of joy I cried watching the fireworks in Geneva with two of my best friends, to the the tears of sadness I cried leaving my friends and family last week. I travelled more than I ever have before, I spent more days out of the UK than in it and I spent so much time with my favourite people. I'm pretty sure I will remember this month forever.

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